
releaser-pleaser is a tool designed to automate versioning and changelog management for your projects. Building on the concepts of release-please, it streamlines the release process through GitHub Actions or GitLab CI.

Badge: Documentation Badge: Stable Release Badge: License GPL-3.0


  • Automated Pull Requests: Opens a PR when releasable changes are detected.
  • Smart Versioning: Suggests new versions based on conventional commits and semantic versioning.
  • Version Reference Updates: Automatically updates committed version references in the PR.
  • Changelog Generation: Creates new changelog entries based on commits.
  • Automated Releases: Upon PR merge, creates tags and GitHub/GitLab Releases with appropriate messages.
  • Version Overrides: Allows manual override of the suggested version.
  • Prerelease Support: Offers options to create alpha, beta, or release candidate versions.

releaser-pleaser simplifies release management, allowing maintainers to focus on development while ensuring consistent and well-documented releases.

Relation to release-please

After using release-please for 1.5 years, I've found it to be the best tool for low-effort releases currently available. While I appreciate many of its features, I identified several additional capabilities that would significantly enhance my workflow. Although it might be possible to incorporate these features into release-please, I decided to channel my efforts into creating a new tool that specifically addresses my needs.

Key differences in releaser-pleaser include:

  • Support for multiple forges (both GitHub and GitLab)
  • Better support for pre-releases

One notable limitation of release-please is its deep integration with the GitHub API, making the addition of support for other platforms (like GitLab) a substantial undertaking. releaser-pleaser aims to overcome this limitation by design, offering a more versatile solution for automated release management across different platforms and project requirements.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL-3.0).